Andean Tatu Totems

Embracing ancestral knowledge through sacred skin markings and ceremony

Welcome to my page loves

I am Kiara Toledo, Ecuadorian American born and raised NYC/NJ Lenapehoking land.

This tattoo work is a reflection of a young girl’s journey back home to her ancestral traditions. This is how she connected her gift of creating with the fire in her heart.

I am her, born with the beautiful complexities of Spanish and Andean blood right in the epicenter of capitalism claiming her divine right to peace. I open my heart, my art, my energy to you with the intention to support you in your sacred transformation.

May we mark ourselves with the truth and wear it fearlessly.

To the waters that hold our memories. The ancestor within us all who cleanses and purifies our bodies and spirit.

May we nourish ourselves with your clarity Yaqu Mama

To the fires of unconditional love. The element of light who reminds us of our resilience. May we vibrate with love in our hearts Nina Mama

To the earth the element of creation. Our home, our sacred bodies, our neighbors.

May we connect and be one, may we feel whole with you Alpa Mama

To the air who dances all around us. Thank you for embodying freedom and gifting us with messages from beyond.

May we head your warning and honor our divinities for the betterment of our world. Wayra Mama
